Researches on Supply Chain Competition and Coordination with Demand Dependent on Shelf-display-quantity 需求与货架展示量相关的供应链竞争与链内协调研究
Few researches involve theoretical analysis for competition and coordination between distributed supply chain companies with deteriorating items. 同时,现有的研究很少涉及分布式易逝商品供应链企业之间竞争与协调的理论分析。
The path selection of research quality management in HEIs in UK: from institutions 'competition to their coordination in the whole country 英国高校科研质量管理的路径选择:从院校竞争走向国家整体协调
In developing this municipality's fuel gas undertakings, the principle of unified planning, fair competition, coordination and balance of multiple gas sources and structural optimization shall be followed. 本市燃气事业的发展,实行统筹规划、公平竞争和多种气源协调平衡、结构优化的原则。
Work dividing and specialization, the model of organization and management changing, competition and coordination development, all those factors help to bring about the formation of network. It points out that competition and cooperation are the driving mechanisms for the growth of the hi-tech enterprises. 分工与专业化、组织与管理方式的转变、全球化与地方化、竞争与协同发展等等各种因素促成网络的形成。提出竞争与协同是高技术企业成长演化的动力机制;
Workable Competition is the coordination of market mechanism and government policy. 有效竞争是市场机制和政府政策的协调统一。
Discussion about Competition and Coordination among State-owned Enterprises in the Same Industry 试论同一产业内国有企业之间的竞争与协调
Regional Competition and Coordination on Water Resources 水资源区域竞争与协调
Recent years, the reformation in telecommunication manage system, the perfection in standardization of telecommunication and the introduction of advanced technology make the competition and coordination of world telecommunication market in present day colourful. 近年来,由于许多国家对电信管理体制进行改革,电信标准化进一步完善,先进技术的引进,使当代世界电信市场的竞争与合作呈现出许许多多的色彩。
The negentropy process of the dissipative structure system involves input, subsystem's competition and coordination, output and feedback. 耗散结构系统实现负熵的过程分为输入、子系统的竞争与协同、输出与反馈四个过程;
The three relations of system viewpoint: order and disorder, competition and coordination, stability and reformation, they are the windows which we analyze the phenomena of power substitution and give us many enlightenments. 系统观的三对关系范畴:有序与无序、竞争与协同、稳定与变革是我们分析权力更替现象的窗口,并给我们带来诸多启示。
Model of Generalized Random Manufacturing System Based on the Competition and Coordination 基于竞争协调机制的广义随机制造系统模型
During the needs evolves from individual needs to group needs and next to state needs, legal needs become practical or realistic needs and come from the competition and coordination among all class of people. 法律需要的生成经历了从个体到群体到国家,从群体之间竞争到兼具合意与暴力因素的协调的过程。
System Competition and Coordination for Asset-backed Securities in China 中国资产证券化的制度竞争与协调
And the dissertation, which using game analysis method, establishes cooperation and non-cooperation game models, studies cooperation – competition-coordination mechanism of project CM. 运用博弈分析方法,建立了合作和非合作的博弈模型,探讨了项目协同管理的合作竞争协调的机制。
Everything in the world can't develop and evolve without competition and coordination, so does telecommunication market. 世界上万事万物的发展和进化都离不开竞争与协同,电信市场也是在竞争与垄断的相互作用下发展和繁荣。
Man-Earth system is composed of human society system and physical system of the earth, whose competition and coordination promote man-earth system. 人地系统是由人类社会系统和地球自然物质系统交互作用而成,它们之间的竞争和协同推动人地系统的演进。
Workable Competition is the coordination of economy scale and competitive power; 有效竞争是规模经济和竞争活力的协调统一;
As the formal theory which studies how to seek optimal strategies for cooperation in economic conflicts, economic game theory provides a general operable structure pattern to analyze the dialectic relationship between economic competition and coordination. 经济博弈论是在经济领域中研究如何在冲突局势下寻求合作的最优策略的形式理论,它为分析经济中竞争与协同之间的辩证关系提供了一种普遍的可操作的结构模式。
Through transformation of education by introducing the contest method in physical education, physical education performs a more better function for training the competition and coordination consciousness of the students; 通过在体育教学中引进竞赛法的教学改革,体育教学对学生竞争与协同意识的培养具有更好的作用;
The competition and coordination diatheses which is one of the psychological diatheses must be possessed for the modern people, it is also the dey of training the talent for the modern society. 竞争与协同素质是现代人必需具备的良好的心理素质之一,也是现代社会人才培养的关键。
This paper put forward innovative on "Five Forces" model of electronic channels: the adaptation of products and channels, the impact of electronic channels by customers, potential new channel type, channel competition and coordination, and inter-operator competition on electronic channels. 本文创新性地提出了适合电子渠道的五力分析模型:产品与渠道的适配性、客户对电子渠道的影响、潜在的新型渠道类型、渠道竞争与协同,及运营商间电子渠道的竞争。
The potential interest conflicts under different jurisdiction systems are compared in the model to prospect the international competition coordination. 本文的模型分析将不同管辖权制度下存在的潜在利益冲突进行了对比,并在此基础上对国际竞争协调前景进行了展望。
This paper analyses the relationship between international tax competition and coordination, and then puts forward an concept of "coordinated international tax competition". 本文从国际税收竞争与协调入手,分析两者的本质关系,由此提出协调型国际税收竞争概念。
The tax rates of the countries and regions around China decreased with the trend of global tax competition, which involves China into the international tax competition and coordination to a more intensive extent. 在全球性的税收竞争的趋势下,我国周边国家和地区的税率也有所下调,因此我国参与国际税收竞争和协调的程度进一步提高。
There is the tax competition and coordination which is among Europe Union countries, between EU and the Unite States, between developed country and developing country and between regions inside country under the condition of fiscal decentralization. 实践上,欧盟内部各国之间、欧盟与美国之间,发达国家与发展中国家之间,以及财政分权体制下,一国内部各个地区之间都存在税收竞争和协调。
The power of Putian cart-drum evolution comes from competition and coordination within the drum team and between team and team. 莆田车鼓演化的动力来自队内及队间的竞争与协同。
This article studies on the cooperation and competition of the supply chain node, around the supply chain node cooperation and competition relationship coordination of enterprises by using the game theory and information economics principle. 本论文围绕供应链节点企业间合作竞争关系的协调运用博弈论与信息经济学的原理与方法,对供应链节点企业间合作竞争进行了研究。
This game based on the tax competition and coordination theories. 这一博弈关系以开放经济条件下的税收竞争与税收协调理论为基础。
However, the current studies on tourism supply chain disperse in a number of areas, which are lack of a comprehensive theoretical framework. Meanwhile, little research attention has been paid to the competition and coordination issues. 然而,目前的研究还分散在多个学术领域,缺少一个完整的框架理论体系。同时,现有的研究很少涉及旅游供应链企业之间竞争与协调的理论分析。